Business & Industry Wed in India: A Great Idea The global wedding Industry is estimated to be around $182.56 billion in 2023, and is expected to grow at a…
Business & Industry Impact of E-Commerce on Modern Logistics Solutions We are living in the age of e-commerce, and Indian customers are demanding a greater selection of products at low…
Business & Industry Key Sustainable Ways to Reduce Waste and Improve Efficiency in Agro-Food Processing Sector Overview of the sector The food processing industry serves as a platform for diversifying agricultural activities, adding value to agricultural…
Business & Industry Navigating International Sea through Disruptions The crisis in the Red Sea, which carries 12% of World Trade, began with the Israeli aggression in Gaza in…
Business & Industry How can we get Gold from the Golden Fibre ? Due to its natural colour and importance jute has become known as the ‘golden fibre’ . The fabric has little…
Business & Industry Developing Cricket & Cricketers of Bengal In its centenary year, the Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has partnered with the Cricket Association of Bengal (CAB) and…
Business & Industry How do you feel about the Development of Enterprises and Services Hub (DESH) Bill? Government of India plans to replace the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Act, 2006 with a new legislation entitled Development of…
Business & Industry, Others What is data governance, and why is it important? Data governance is defined as the overall management of the availability, usability, integrity, and security of data used in an…
Business & Industry How to foster Supply Chain transiliency? The COVID-19 pandemic followed by the war in Europe has revealed the critical importance of Supply Chain management in navigating…
Business & Industry How to sustain Indian Entrepreneurship? India has the third largest Start Up ecosystem globally, after the US and China with over 65,000 recognised Start Ups…